Emergency generators were originally installed in Central Business District’s (CBD) high rise office towers to provide power for lights and lifts, however with the advent of modern technology, power is required for telephones, computers and air conditioners, consequently many tenants have an emergency power supply agreement to ensure their business is not compromised during a power blackout.
Fuel Doctors provide a Quality Assurance Sampling (QAS) service to ensure stored fuel is constantly fit for purpose.
Generator maintenance companies have value added their business by retaining fuel from the filters they change for analysis, however this cost saving exercise is flawed due to the following facts.
Water (condensation) weighs one kilogram per litre, diesel weighs 840 grams consequently the condensation will migrate to the tank bottom, airborne soil spores enter the tank through the vent due to constant atmospheric exchanges, these spores remain dormant in the fuel until coming into contact with water thus providing an oxygen source for germination, the germinated spores are known as Cladosporium Resinae which sit at the fuel water interface breathing, feeding and excreting.
Cladosporium Resinae grows into dense mats adhering to the walls of the tank with its excreta covering the tank bottom, this biomass sits below the suction stub that is on average seventy-five millimetres from the tank bottom.
The average fill rate of an underground fuel tank is one thousand litres per minute, consequently any tank bottom debris will be agitated and emulsified into the existing and incoming fuel, should an emergency generators fuel tank be re-filled whilst it is in operation the filters will be blocked in a matter of minutes, cutting off the fuel supply and compromising the very reason for the infrastructure.
Specialist advise and service should remain with specialists as cost saving exercises in this instance will result in substantially more expense than the saving.